On March 3 2019, the Chalandri Municipality awarded non-profit organizations, companies and individuals that supported the municipality’s social welfare services through in kind donations and services.

The municipality awarded Desmos for the support offered between 2014 and 2018 to the Chalandri Public Store.

The results of Desmos’ activities are as follows:

Office furniture, refrigerators and IT equipment of the Chalandri Social Store, through corporate donations.

Refrigerators for local households, through corporate donations
Long-life alimentary products, sweets, water bottles and refreshments, personal care and personal hygiene products through individual donations

Desmos operations were mainly focused in bringing together companies, individuals and municipal officers in order to facilitate the municipality’s work.

Total donations reached 1244 people including 378 underaged individuals. Selection was processed based on social criteria, by the appointed municipal commission.

Municipal structures that support locals through in kind donations and services are supported by the European Social Fund and national funds.