On Sunday 30/3 we had the pleasure of presenting the program “Desmos for Youth” to students of Athens College.


Ms. Christina Kostaki, program officer of Desmos, referred to the positive impact of the program, 3 years after its initiation, in both quantitative and qualitative terms, and described the process of the program’s implementation, which consists of a joint application by both prospective candidates and NGOs, followed by an appraisal and the final approval by Desmos.


Two of the beneficiaries of the program, Penelope Vitali, who works as psychologist in Theotokos, and Mr. Thanasis Vratimos, co-founder of “GIVMED” shared their experience and described how the specific program has enabled them to find a relevant job whilst at the same time helping them acquire invaluable experience in a field which they are passionate about.


From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the P.T.A. (Parents and Teachers Association) of Athens College.