Since the first moment of the pandemic in Greece, we delved into the work to help protect NGOs and social services in Greece against COVID-19.

The Insurance Group Eurolife ERB contacted Desmos, and quickly understood the need to protect institutions that care for high-risk COVID-19 vulnerable groups around the clock providing housing, medical care, social care and every day comforts.

Eurolife FFH collaborates with Desmos to provide necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), medical equipment and supplies, as well as sanitation and cleaning supplies for 12 Centers of Social Care, in close coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Greece.

The donation of the Insurance Group Eurolife FFH through Desmos has created significant positive social impact to the health and protection of our most vulnerable citizens.

In the critical first four weeks of the pandemic contamination, Desmos managed to provide 680,000 necessary supplies to 50 institutions from Thrace to Crete, from Zakynthos to Mytilene, to mainland Greece. More than 5.000 of the most vulnerable people, and their carers, in Senior Care Homes, Children’s Institutions, Institutions for Chronic Diseases, Institutions for the Disabled with Underlying Causes and Severe Diseases, received necessary supplies to protect themselves against these unprecedented circumstances.