With the help of more than 30 volunteers and friends of Desmos, this year’s orange picking initiative was successfully completed. The event was held in the village Kokkoni near Corinth where the owner of the ranch and good friend of our organisation – Panayotis Tsantilas – was kind enough to welcome and host us at his marvellous place. With perseverance and love, we managed to collect over a ton of oranges that were delivered to the charity organisation “O Plision” the same day. From there, they were donated to several vulnerable groups that were in need.

More specifically, they were delivered to different divisions of the municipality of Athens including: “Doctors of the World”, the “5th primary school of Keratsini” which hosts more than 30 refugee children, homeless people at the centre of Athens, multi-membered families in need and the soup kitchen of the Archdiocese in Athens.

We would like to thank everyone that participated and helped us carry out this act of kindness and invite them to repeat the same life-changing experience with us next year!